Monday, November 7, 2011

DIY, Demo and the Hubs!

So, guess who decided to start demolition on our bathroom @ noon on a Sunday?!?! Oh, and with only us here(no "manly" help)!
Yup, my darling, wonderful, go get em', last minute, no planning things out, who needs instructions hubby!
I think he was secretly punishing me for oversleeping yesterday and missing church!
I can just see his little brain spinning!
(" Sooo...she made such a fuss about setting all the clocks back, made me watch a chic flick, and then SHE  oversleeps!.. Guess I'll have to get some free labor out of her today!")
Anywho, it did need done for so many reasons. Safety first, of course!
I'm sure I have mentioned over the last...oh, year or so that we literally had our shower held up with duct tape! Well, anyone who ever doubted me....there are pictures coming as my proof!
This is still a neverending long process and I will try to keep everyone posted on the process.
As embarrassing as this is...please hold all the LOLs to yourselves :)
Here it is!
Phase 1: demolition!!(by the way, it was pretty fun!)

Sean "prepping" the tub. (actually, this is where I went over "my" instructions)
Roo recreating how she yanked the towel bar loose!
This is where the biggest leak was at.
All the yuckiness of the demo. It was SO bad!
Roo pulling the tiles off. It was her favorite part!
Mama bear getting a few swings in too!
2 walls gone!
The ceiling
oh look, Sean thinks this is a new tool box!
I cannot wait to start phase 2. New drywall and WATERPROOF boards!!! 


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